Goat Facts - Amazing Facts

Goat Facts Amazing Facts

Goat Facts Amazing Facts

Goat Facts Amazing Facts

Goat Facts Amazing Facts
Most of the goats have softer insulating features near the skin, while the surface, they have longer guard hairs. The hair texture that is used in the textile industry is the former one. It is known as Cashmere or ‘Pashmina’ in the textile industry.Goats are extremely curious and intelligent. They are easily trained to pull carts and walk on leads.Goats produce approximately 2% of the world's total annual milk supply.
Goat cheese is known as chèvre in France, after the French word for "goat". Some varieties include Rocamadour and Montrachet. Goat butter is white because goats produce milk with the yellow beta-carotene converted to a colorless form of vitamin A. 
A goat is useful to humans either living or dead, first as a renewable provider of milk, manure, and fiber, and then as meat and hide.Male lactation is also known to occur in goats.

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