The American Bison and European Bison Facts

The American Bison facts , Amazing Facts
The American Bison

The surviving species are the American bison, also known as the American buffalo although it is not related to the true buffalo.
Bison are even toed, hoofed mammals. There are two kinds of bison - the American bison and the European bison. Both have shaggy brown coats and upturned horns.
European Bison facts , amazing facts
European Bison
but the European bison have longer legs while the american bison is distinguished by its large muscular hump. American bison can be found in the national parks, woodlands and graslands of North America. European bison are found in forests and grasslands in large parts of Europe, inculding England.
Wallowing is a common behavior of bison. A bison wallow is a shallow depression in the soil, either wet or dry. Bison roll in these depressions, covering themselves with mud or dust. Possible explanations suggested for wallowing behavior include grooming behavior associated with moulting, male-male interaction (typically rutting behavior), social behavior for group cohesion, play behavior, relief from skin irritation due to biting insects, reduction of ectoparasite load (ticks and lice), and thermoregulation.
The bison's temperament is often unpredictable. They usually appear peaceful, unconcerned, even lazy, yet they may attack anything, often without warning or apparent reason.

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