Spectacled Bear or Andean Bears Facts

Spectacled Bear or Andean Bears Facts
The bear with the goggles/spectacled . The spectacled bear is the only bear species in South America. It has black fur with a beige-coloured marking across its face and upper chest, though not all Andean bears have 'spectacle' markings. They look just like glasses. Each bear's spectacle pattern is different. It is the only remaining short-faced bear. Others species died out thousands of years ago. The spectacled bear is an excellent climber, often makes the platforms in trees to rest and eat.  It has been known to raise thorny cactus-eating fruit on top.
Most of the bear have 14 pairs of ribs. The spectacled bear has 13 ribs. Its long, curved claws are great for digging or breaking into insect mounds for food. Longer front than back legs help them to climb. The spectacled bear population is under threat for a number of reasons like , the gall bladders of spectacled bears are also valued in traditional Chinese medicine 

Spectacled Bear or Andean Bears Facts

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