The Red Fox is the largest of the true foxes. Red foxes have elongated bodies and relatively short limbs. The tail, which is longer than half the body length . The red fox is of the most adaptable animals. It can live anywhere in the northern hemisphere and can eat anything. It is the UK's most common predator and the most common dog in the world. The fox loves living in towns and cities. It is thought that half of an urban fox's diet is made up of our leftovers. Because it is so successful in actual life, in tales the fox is often sly and crafty.
In the event you need to see, the best time is at dusk or in the night.
Foxes signal each other by making scent posts urinating on trees or rocks to announce their presence.
Red foxes appear to hate the taste of moles, but will nevertheless catch them alive and present them to their kits as playthings. The red fox sneaks up to its prey before pouncing on it. Then it will drag it away to eat in a safe place. The fox cub is born with chocolate-coloured fur. It is also blind and deaf and unable to walk. So, like human children, its muma needs to pay it lots of attention. When it is about weeks elderly its blues eyes turn to amber and its coat starts to redden.
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