Pronghorn - Amazing Facts

pronghorn Facts, Amazing Animals , Pronghorn Amazing Fact

pronghorn Facts, Amazing Animals , Pronghorn Amazing FactThe pronghorn is a deer-like animal with long thin legs and dark horns. The name ' pronghorn' comes from the unusal shape of the horns, which have forward pointing prongs! The coat is mostly tan or light brown. There are patches of white hairs. When the pronghorn is alarmed, the white hairs stand up. These are the fastest runners among animals in north America. They can run at more than 86 kilometres per hour. Pronghorns are also great distance runners. Pronghorns live on the grasslands of S W Saskatchewan and S E alberta in Canada. Pronghorns were brought to scientific notice by the Lewis and Clark Expedition, which found them in what is now South Dakota, USA. The pronghorn has been observed to have at least 13 distinct gaits, including one reaching nearly eight yards per stride. Pronghorns have game-animal status in all of the western states of the United States, and permits are required to trap or shoot pronghorns.

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