The Black-footed Ferret Facts

The Black-footed Ferret Facts
The Black-footed Ferret also known as the American polecat or Prairie Dog Hunter. The black footed ferret is probably the rarest wild animal in North America. In 1982 the last surviving group of wild black-footed ferrets...

Solenodon Facts - Amazing Facts

Solenodon Facts - Amazing Facts
The solenodon is a rat like creature about 20 inches in length. It feeds on insects, small mammals and lizards. Only two species of solenodon remain i.e. Cuban solenodon and Haitian solenodon. Both are in danger of exti...

Dimetrodon Facts

Dimetrodon Facts
Dimetrodon was a solar-powered lizard. It had a large fin on its back thought to be used for taking heat from the sun, in much the same way as a solar panel does today. As its body was warmer than that of other lizards,...

Red Fox Facts

Red Fox Facts
The Red Fox  is the largest of the true foxes. Red foxes have elongated bodies and relatively short limbs. The tail, which is longer than half the body length . The red fox is of the most adaptable animals. It can live...

Fennec Fox Facts -Amazing Facts

Fennec Fox Facts -Amazing Facts
The Fennec Fox 'Vulpes zerda'  is the smallest of all the world's foxes. Its nocturnal fox found in the Sahara of North Africa, weighing only 2.2 pounds . But it sure has HUGE ears, measuring 6 inches ,its hearing is...

Hummingbird Facts-Amazing Facts

Hummingbird Facts-Amazing Facts
They are among the smallest of birds, most species measuring in the 7.5–13 cm, and the smallest extant bird species is a hummingbird, the 5-cm Bee Hummingbird. The smallest hummingbird is the Bee Hummingbird. The...

Woodpeckers Facts - Amazing Facts

Woodpeckers Facts - Amazing Facts
 Woodpeckers, piculets and wrynecks all possess zygodactyl feet (a bird's foot having the first and fourth toes of each foot directed backward and the second and third forward). This foot arrangement is good for grasping...

Musk Deer Facts - Amazing Facts

Musk Deer Facts - Amazing Facts
Musk deer resemble small deer with a stocky build, and hind legs longer than their front legs. Musk Deer is small deer that is a solitary , shy animal that lives in the mountainous regions from Siberia to the Himalayas....

Grasshoppers Facts -Amazing Facts

Grasshoppers Facts -Amazing Facts
Grasshoppers are herbivores , delicacies of these insects include cotton, clover, wheat, alfalfa, barley, corn, rye, oats and many other agricultural crops.A grasshopper has an open circulatory system which means the blood...

Amazing - Chuckwalla Lizards Facts

Amazing - Chuckwalla Lizards Facts
The chuckwalla is a stocky wide-bodied lizard with a flattened midsection and belly prominent. Their tails are thick, tapering to a blunt tip. The chuckwalla lizard gets itself into tight corners. It can jam itself into...

Potto Facts

Potto Facts
Potto and the Bush baby are close relatives of the lemur. The potto is also known as 'softly -softly' for the way it moves without making a sound. Its is a relatively small animal weighing about 1.5 kgs. It has some...

Bush Baby Facts - Amazing Facts

Bush Baby Facts  - Amazing Facts
Bush baby and the potto are close relatives of the lemur. With its large round eyes and big ears, the bush baby is one of the cutest animals of the African bush.Its very large eyes are adapted for night vision, and during...

Amazing Earwigs Facts

Amazing Earwigs Facts
Earwigs are nocturnal, they often hide in small, moist crevices during the day, and are active at night, feeding on a wide variety of insects and plants. Earwigs are mostly scavengers, but some are omnivorous or predatory.Earwigs...

Penguin Facts

Penguin Facts
Penguins are birds but they can not fly. All Penguins are fast swimmers. The fastest swimmer is the gentoo penguin. It can reach speeds of 27 kilometres an hour underwater.The smallest penguin is the fairy penguin at just...

Pronghorn - Amazing Facts

Pronghorn - Amazing Facts
The pronghorn is a deer-like animal with long thin legs and dark horns. The name ' pronghorn' comes from the unusal shape of the horns, which have forward pointing prongs! The coat is mostly tan or light brown. There are...

Skunk - Amazing Facts

Skunk - Amazing Facts
The skunk has two glands under its tail that produce a truly foul smelling liquid. Before spraying an enemy with first stamp its paws on the ground as a warning. If the warning goes unheeded, it will lift its tail to signify...

Peccary Facts

Peccary Facts
The peccary looks like a hairy pig on a diet! It is related to domestic pigs and is a distant cousin of the hippo too. Like the hippo, it is even toed ungulate, and like the pig, it has a snout. The peccary weigh from 18...

Aardvark - Amazing Facts

Aardvark - Amazing Facts
The Aardvark is a mammal found in Africa. The name means 'earth pig' in Afrikaans and refers to its resemblance to a pig and to its habit of digging. It is very strange looking animals indeed, for though it has the body...

Musk Ox Facts

Musk Ox Facts
The musk ox is a huge hoofed mammal with a heavy bony plate across its forehead. The musk ox, along  with the yak of central Asia, has the longest fur. During winter , it grows a thick undercoat of soft brown fleece...

Weasels Facts

Weasels Facts
Weasels are part of a family which also includes ferrets, otters, mink and badgers. Weasels vary in colour and size but they have slender bodies , rounded ears and short legs. They are found in most places around the...