Polar Bear - Amazing Facts

Polar Bear, Polar Bear Amazing Facts
Polar Bear, Polar Bear Amazing Facts

Humans are the only 
hunters of adult polar bears but Humans can die by eating polar bear's liver as it contains a fatal dose of vitamin A for humans. 
Male may grow 10 feet tall and weigh over 1400 pounds. 
Females reach 7 feet and weigh 650 pounds.

Polar Bear, Polar Bear Amazing FactsA polar bear's fur is not white. Each hair is a clear hollow tube. Polar bears look white, because each hollow hair reflects light.

Polar Bear, Polar Bear Amazing Facts
Polar bears are champion swimmers! Polar bear fur is not white, although it may seem so! Each hair on the polar bear's skin is actually transparent. Appear white because they reflect the white ice. The polar bear fur is oily and repel water, so that it can easily dry.

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