Amazing Facts Spider

Spiders, Spider Amazing Facts
Most spiders have either six or eight eyes.Most spiders have fangs, through which venom is ejected. Spiders are not insects. Insects have three body parts and six legs.
Spiders have eight legs and two body parts, the abdomen and the thorax.Fear of spiders is called Arachnophobia. It is one of the most common fears among humans.Spiders have silk spinning glands called spinnerets, at the tip of their abdomen.Only the female black widow spider has a poisonous bite.
 The male spider's venom is not poisonous and it does not attack its prey.
Some male spiders pluck their cobwebs like a guitar, to attract female spiders. Spiders usually have eight eyes, but still they cannot see that well.Most spiders are very nearsighted.  To make up for this, they use the hair on their body to feel their way around and to sense when other animals are near.

Webs get dirty and torn, so lots of spiders make a new one every day.  Webs get dirty and torn, so lots of spiders make a new one every day. Do not miss the old, however --they roll it up into a ball and eat it!
The world's largest spider is the Goliath tarantula birdeater. Weigh up to 120 grams or so, and the legs may be about 12 inches long. 
Tarantula is the largest spider in the world. how many spiders have knees? There are 48! Male spiders identify themselves by a variety of complex courtship rituals to avoid being eaten by the females.

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