Amazing Facts Monkey , Monkey facts

Monkeys, Monkey Amazing Facts

Monkeys, Monkey Amazing Facts

Monkeys, Monkey Amazing Facts
The Old World Monkeys and New World Monkeys form two of the three groups of the simian primates.

The third group is that of the apes ,there are  22 species of apes . 
Rhesus monkeys are Asian, Old World monkeys, rhesus monkeys are intelligent animals can adapt to many habitats, and highly social, raising their young in a communal atmosphere.
A number of countries have used monkeys as part of their space exploration programmes, including the United States and France.
Rhesus monkeys have an important history with humans and have helped a large number of medical and scientific research. Rh antigens allowed physicians to identify the different human blood groups. These primates also preceded humans into space.
Monkey brains are eaten as a delicacy in South Asia, China, and Africa. In traditional Islamic dietary laws, the eating of monkeys is forbidden. 
In India, the monkey is worshiped, it is believed that the manifestation of the god Hanuman.
One of the must-know trivia about monkeys is about their table manners. 
Howler monkeys are the loudest monkeys whose howling is heard from a distance of 100 miles.
Monkeys are known to use vocalizations, body movements and facial expressions to communicate.
They never eat the banana with the skin on.
In religion and culture, the monkey often represents quick-wittedness and mischief.
The smallest monkey in the world does not grow more than 5 - 6 inches.This species is known as the pygmy marmoset.

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