Tyranausaurus Rex Facts

Fossil Tyranausaurus_Rex_at_the_Royal_Tyrell_Museum,_Alberta,_Canada

Tyrannosaurus rex was certainly one of the largest terrestrial carnivores of all time. The recently discovered Giganotosaurus carolinii and Carcharodontosaurus may have been even more enormous. Tyrannosaurus rex was one of the largest land carnivores of all time, measuring up to 43.3 feet long, and 16.6 ft tall, with an estimated mass that goes up to 7 tons.T. rex left footprints 1.55 feetlong (although its feet were much longer, about 3.3 feet long; Tyrannosaurus rex like other dinosaurs, walked on its toes). It had a stride length of up to 12 to 15 feet . T. rex may have run at up to 24 kph. Tyrannosaurus rex's jaws were up to 4 feet long and had 50 to 60 thick, conical, bone-crunching teeth that ranged in size from very small to over 9 inches long.
This meat-eater had a huge head with large, pointed, replaceable teeth and well-developed jaw muscles. T. rex could eat up to 500 pounds of meat and bones in one bite. Tyrannosaurus rex had a slim, stiff, pointed tail that provided balance and allowed quick turns while running T. rex's brain had a very large area in the brain for processing odors. Its body was solidly built but its bones were hollow. Fossils of T. rex have been found in North American rock formations dating to the last three million years of the Cretaceous Period at the end of the Maastrichtian stage, approximately 68.5 to 65.5 million years ago, it was among the last dinosaurs to exist prior to the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction event.

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