Gaur or Seladang Facts

The Malayan gaur is termed seladang, and also the Burmese gaur is termed pyoung. The seladang or otherwise spoken as gaur or forest buffalo are found in IndiaBurma and Malaysia. Their build is larger than the other wild cattle with shoulder heights of up to 6 feet or plenty of. they're serious bodied with a high ridge on the forepart of the rear and possess curved horns on their heads and white stockinged feet.

The gaur (Bos gaurus), conjointly spoken as Indian bison, may be a giant bovine native to South Asia and Southeast Asia. They're conjointly explore for their meat and for sport.The species is listed on the IUCN Red List since 1986 because the population decline in components of the species' vary is probably going to be well over seventieth over the last 3 generations. Population trends are stable in well-protected areas, and are rebuilding during many areas that had been neglected.The gaur is that the largest species of untamed cattle, larger than the African buffalo, the extinct aurochs, and wild water buffalo. The domesticated variety of the gaur, Bos frontalis, is termed gayal or mithun. The bulls are dark brown or blackish in color whereas the cows and also the young are reddish brown.

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