Cheetahs Facts

The cheetah is the world's fastest land animal. Over short distances, it can sprint upto 112 kms per hour. The cheetah has long, slim, muscular legs, a smal, rounded head set on a long neck, a flexible spine , a deep chest, special pads on its feet for tractio, and a long tail for balance , distinctive tear stripes that stretch from the corner of the eye to the side of the nose.. They use tail to help them steer and turn in the direction they want to go. like the rudder of a boat. Cheetahs are found in open and partially open savannas.  They usually prey on small mammals and birds. The cheetahs are tan in colour with black spots all over their bodies. 
Males are territorial. Males mark their territory by urinating on objects that stand out, such as trees, logs, or termite mounds. The whole coalition contributes to the scent. Males will attempt to kill any intruders, and fights result in serious injury or death. 
Females' home ranges can be very large and a territory including several females' ranges is impossible to defend. Females always hunt alone, although cubs will accompany their mothers to learn to hunt once they reach the age of five to six weeks.
The cheetah can not roar, but has the following vocalizations:
Chirping - When a cheetah attempts to find another, or a mother tries to locate her cubs
Churring or stuttering - This vocalization is emitted by a cheetah during social meetings
Growling - is exhibited by the cheetah during annoyance, or when faced with danger.
Yowling - This is an escalated version of growling
Purring -  usually during pleasant social meetings mostly between cubs and their mothers

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