Amazing Facts about Bactrian Camels

Amazing Facts about Bactrian Camels

Bactrian camels have two humps on their backs where they store fat. Arabian camels are also called dromedaries have one hump, but both these types of camels use their stored fat as energy & water when they are far away from food and a freshwater source. Their humps get soft and flabby when their fat stores run out. Bactrians seldom sweat, helping them preserve fluids for long periods of time. Bactrian's nostrils close to block sand, and their bushy eyebrows and rows of long eyelashes protect their eyes from blowing sand and ice.The only truly wild camels that still exist are Bactrian camels. These herds survive in the Gobi Desert of Mongolia and China, but number less than  500. Bactrian camels have been the focus of artwork throughout history.They are critically endangered in the wild. They call their mothers with a "baa" like a lamb.

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