Cheetahs Facts

Cheetahs Facts
The cheetah is the world's fastest land animal. Over short distances, it can sprint upto 112 kms per hour. The cheetah has long, slim, muscular legs, a smal, rounded head set on a long neck, a flexible spine , a deep chest,...

Lung Fish Facts - Amazing Facts

Lung Fish Facts - Amazing Facts
Most fish will die if removed from water. Yet Lung Fish of africa, Austrilia and South America oftern spends long periods out of water. Its body is adapted to breathe air and during drought the lung fish digs a hole in the...

The Coelacanth Facts

The Coelacanth Facts
The coelacanth has been nicknamed a “living fossil”, because its fossils were found long before the actual discovery of a live specimen. The coelacanth is the only surviving species of a prehistoric group of fish, the crossopterygii,...

The Red Bellied Piranha Facts

The Red Bellied Piranha Facts
The red-bellied piranha is one of more than a dozen species of piranha found in northern South America. The red-bellied piranha has the reputation for being one of the most ferocious freshwater fish in the world. A school...

Bluefish Facts -Amazing Facts

Bluefish Facts -Amazing Facts
The bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix), called tailor in Australia, Other common names are blue, chopper, and anchoa. Bluefish are cannibalistic. Blue fish hunts in schools that may extend upto 4 miles in length, This vicious predator...

The Brush Turkey Facts

The Brush Turkey Facts
It is a spectacular large bird with black feathers and a red head. Its total length is about 60-75 cm and a wingspan of 85 centimeters. Brush-turkeys are common birds, and have communal nests. A typical group consists of...

Social Weavers Birds Facts

Social Weavers Birds Facts
The Social weavers of south Africa build a large umbrella-like structure in trees. They then build individual nests inside this protective covering. There can be as many as several hundred birds living under one main ro...

Ptarmigan Facts - Amazing Facts

Ptarmigan Facts - Amazing Facts
The ptarmigan, a type of bird, changes its colour to match the seasons. In summer its feathers are speckled to match the earth and grasses where it lives. But when winter comes the bird loses its  speckled features...

Tailorbird Facts -Amazing Facts

Tailorbird Facts -Amazing Facts
The Common Tailorbird or Orthotomus sutorius is a songbird found across tropical Asia. Tailor bird ,  basically does a bit of sewing to make its nest, firstly the bird pokes holes through some leaves. Then , using...

Kiwi Bird Facts

Kiwi Bird Facts
Kiwi are flightless birds . Kiwi gets its name from its shrill cry 'kee-wi', 'kee-wi'. It has no tails and its small, almost non existent wings are hidden under its feathers. Several species of kiwi are found in New Zealand. There...