How To Live A Simple And Peaceful Life

How To Live A Simple And Peaceful Life

Method :- Adjusting Your Schedule (3 Steps)

  1. Slow Down-There are times when you are so used to doing everything in a hurry that you don’t notice how fast-paced your life has become. Simply reading the words, “Slow down,” will allow you to pause for a moment and notice. This step is mentioned first so you will carry the thought with you throughout this article and beyond.

  • Avoid multi-tasking. It has become popular, if not clichéd, to multi-task. Research indicates that there is a point where the quality of what you are doing declines when you try to focus on too many tasks at once.
  • Find your threshold of diminishing return on the number of tasks you can work on. Your goal is to do things well so you can feel good about your accomplishments.
  • Do nothing as if it were something. There is an art to doing nothing. Many people struggle with taking time to pause and regroup. Even if you take a five minute break to do nothing, do it.

    2. Reduce Your Commitments-If you have current commitments to do something, then          follow through until the tasks or events are complete. However, from this point forward          take on fewer commitments. You may struggle at first, but focus your intent on                      simplifying your life, which will bring about peace. Allow the eventual goal to motivate            you and quiet your feelings of guilt.

  •      Limit the amount of times you say, “Yes” by keeping a tally on your calendar. First,               determine your “comfort level” for how many events you can peacefully manage.                   Second, stick to that number. No one can always be the good guy who says, “Yes.”    
  •      When you are asked to participate in an event, do not quickly answer. Pause for a                 moment to discern if the event will enrich your life. If it won’t you can say, “Thank you           for inviting me, but I need to pass.”
  •      Develop an ability to say, “no” by communicating your intent. There are times when               some people will not take “no” for an answer. This is your cue to share a bit more                   information with the person to set your boundary.Consider saying something like,             “You are so kind to think of me, but I’m making some changes in my life that are really           important to me, my family and my health so I am going to have to decline.” The                   person will likely support your decision.

  •   3. Eliminate Extras-The concept of conspicuous consumption may describe your life. It            entails lavish or wasteful spending that attempts to show others your level of social                prestige.Simplifying your life will drastically cut into the amount of “extras” you have              grown accustom to. The goal is to cut out the extra expenses so you won’t be tied down        by financial obligations.  

  •   Question if you really need that third ipad or newest electronic gadget, or twice-a-day trip      through the coffee retailer drive-thru. Just say “no” to yourself, and “yes” to your desire          to live a simpler and more peaceful life. Each time you are faced with a decision, you can      make a good decision.

  •   Find fulfillment in the simple things in life by spending time with friends, in nature, or              building something with your own two hands. Intrinsic rewards will improve your                    motivation and overall satisfaction with your life.
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