Lizards Facts - Amazing Facts

Lizards Facts, Lizard Amazing Facts
The male anole lizard guards his home from other lizards in an unusual way.
If other males come too close, he puffs out a bright red throat pouch at them. Two males may face each other with puffy throats for hours at a time!  

Lizards Facts, Lizard Amazing Facts

Do you know Lizards are frilly ?
The frilled lizards has a large flap around its neck. When faced with danger, it spreads this skin out to form a huge , stiff neck frill that makes it look bigger and scarier!

Lizards Facts, Lizard Amazing Facts

Some male agamid lizards try to impress females with a little body-building. they can be seen perched on top of rocks, doing push -ups and bobbing their heads up and down.

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