Seahorses differ in color, some are orange, red, yellow, green and even grey. Seahorses are unable to curl their tail backwards. Seahorses change color to blend with the environment. Seahorses make up the...
The culture of silkworms is called sericulture. A moist substance, fibroin, is manufactured in two silk glands located on the underside of the larva's body; mixed with a small amount of wax, it is emitted from an orifice...
Although the koala is not a bear, English-speaking settlers from the late 18 first called koala bear because of their resemblance to bears ,as it is a marsupial, or pouched mammal. A baby koala is called a joey, hairless,...
Santa Claus's sleigh is pulled by flying reindeer.The reindeer "Rangifer tarandus", also known as caribou in North America. Reindeer are native to Northern climates - North America and Northern Europe, Arctic tundra,...
amazing facts about puduThey are classified in the New World deer subfamily Capreolinae within the deer family Cervidae. The Mapudungun pudu or pudu are two species of South American deer from the genus Pudu, the world's...
Great whites are the largest predatory fish on Earth. Sharks are known as eating machines.Three species are responsible for most human attacks: great white (Carcharodon carcharias), tiger (Galeocerdo cuvier), and bull...
Dolphins are mammals. Dolphins sleep with one eye open. Dolphins can swim up to 260 metres below the ocean surface. Dolphins use a technique called echolocation.This technique uses the same principles of radar, and is used...
The shell of a turtle is made up of 60 different bones all connected together. Galapagos tortoises may reach a length of over 4 ft (120 cm) and weigh over 500 lb (225 kg). - the giant tortoises. Tortoises generally...
The male anole lizard guards his home from other lizards in an unusual way.If other males come too close, he puffs out a bright red throat pouch at them. Two males may face each other with puffy throats for hours at a time!...