California Condor

California Condor
On April 19, 1987 the last known California Condor to exist in the wild was taken into captivity. The California Condor is one of the rarest of all North American birds and one of the rarest birds in the world. In fact,...

Bilby - Amazing Facts

Bilby - Amazing Facts
The bilby 'also known as the rabbit-eared bandicoot', is a rabbit-like marsupial. It lives in deserts, dry forests, dry grasslands, and dry shrubby areas in Australia. The bilby's pouch faces backwards. These big-eared,...

Takahe /Porphyrio hochstetteri Facts

Takahe /Porphyrio hochstetteri Facts
The flightless Takahe (Porphyrio hochstetteri) is the largest living member of the Rallidae  family. Its average weight is about 2.75 kg (6 lbs) Haggis' is a people-friendly female Takahe at Maud Island, a restricted-entry...

Bed Bugs Facts

Bed Bugs Facts
Bed bugs, known scientifically as Cimex lectularius (Cimicidae) are little wingless insects that feed by hematophagy - completely on the blood of heat blooded-animals. As we have a tendency to are warm-blooded animals we...

The Bird of Paradise Facts

The Bird of Paradise Facts
The birds-of-paradise are members of the family Paradisaeidae of the order Passeriformes.For reasons of camouflage plumage of the females typically blends well with their habitat, unlike the bright attractive colors found...

Chiff Chaff, Willow Warbler and Wood Warbler

Chiff Chaff, Willow Warbler and Wood Warbler
The Common Chiffchaff (Phylloscopus collybita) is a common and widespread leaf-warbler which breeds in open woodlands throughout northern and temperate Europe and Asia. A small insectivorous bird. The Chiffchaff is a small,...