Black widow spiders facts

Black widow spiders  Latrodectus hesperus  are considered the most venomous spiders in North America. Black widow spiders are the most feared and dangerous of all spiders. They are small shiny and black and they have a poisonous bite  that can kill people. After mating, the female black widow spider may eat the male. spider's bite is much feared because its venom is reported to be 15 times stronger than a rattlesnake's. Latrodectus have very poor eyesight and depend on vibrations reaching them through their webs to find trapped prey or warn them of larger threats. The spiderlings /baby spiders are not poisonous but they are cannibals- eating each other.

GIANT ARMADILLO (Priodontes maximus) FACTS

Armadillos Facts
The word armadillo is Spanish for "little armored one". Armadillos species are primarily found in South and Central America, particularly in Paraguay and surrounding areas. Many species are endangered. The necks and backs of giant armadillos are covered in flexible armor or known for having a leathery armor shell. The Armadillo is also a natural reservoir for Chagas Disease. They are powerful and quick diggers. Their heads are protected by a similar oval shield. Small, closely set plates of armor cover their tail. Humans can acquire a leprosy infection from armadillos by handling them or consuming armadillo meat, and are a presumed vector and natural reservoir for the disease in Texas and Louisiana. Armadillo shells has been traditionally used to make the back of the charango, an Andean instrument lute, however charangos are now made entirely of wood.

Black Caiman Facts

Black Caiman Facts

Black Caiman (Melanosuchus niger) are crocodilian and an endangered species. They are large, meat-eating reptiles that spend most of their lives in water. They live in freshwater habitats in South America, including the Amazon basin. They live in slow-moving rivers, streams, and lakes in rain forests and in seasonally flooded savannas Black Caimans are most active at night. They have about 75 long, sharp teeth which are used for catching and swallow their prey whole.
Small black caiman can be distinguished from large spectacled caiman by their proportionately larger head and shorter tail, as well as by the color of the jaw, which is light colored in the spectacled caiman and dark with three black spots in the black caiman.
They were also mentioned in Matthew Reilly's best selling book Temple, where they are constantly eating people that fall in the water.

Rheas Facts - Amazing Facts

The greater rhea is the largest of all South American birds and is related to ostriches and emus. Their large wings are useless for flight but, are used for balance and for changing direction as the bird runs. Unlike most birds, rheas have only three toes. It takes  Young rheas just six months to reach adult size. There are three species of rhea: the long-billed rhea and the common rhea, which are both found in Brazil, and the slightly smaller Darwin's rhea, which lives in Argentina and the Andes Mountains