Proboscis Monkey Facts

Proboscis monkey, bekantan,long-nosed monkey

The proboscis monkey  or long-nosed monkey, known as the bekantan in Malay. The proboscis monkey is found only on the island of Borneo and can be found all three nations that divide the island: Brunei, Indonesia, and Malaysia. Predators of the proboscis monkey include crocodiles, clouded leopards, eagles, monitor lizards and pythons. Proboscis monkeys are most commonly found inhabiting mangrove swamps and will wade through shallow water and can swim when the water gets too deep. 
Proboscis monkey, bekantan,long-nosed monkey
The only fruit proboscis monkeys will eat is unripe fruit. The sugars in ripe fruits can ferment in their stomachs and cause fatal bloating. Adult males have much larger nose than the female, the monkeys’ nose will swell and turns red when the monkey is excited or angry. Proboscis monkeys are also known as the “Dutchman Monkey.The male vocalises through the nose with a kee honk sound.
The Proboscis monkey is assessed as Endangered in the IUCN Red List.

Dogfish Shark Facts

Dogfish shark's egg attaches itself to rocks or seaweed so that it does not float off into deep water. Smooth dogfish can change their color from dark to light, to camouflage themselves from predators. Its flat, blunt teeth can bite down on even the hardest of prey, such as crabs and lobster.

Bull Sharks - Amazing Facts

Zambi , bull sharks

The bull shark, Carcharhinus leucas, also known as Zambezi shark , known as Zambi in Africa and Nicaragua shark in Nicaragua. The bull shark is well known for its unpredictable, often aggressive behavior. Bull sharks are typically solitary hunters. Bull sharks have been known to use the "bump-and-bite" technique to attack their prey. Most of a bull shark's diet consists of bony fish and sharks, including other bull sharks , but can also include turtles, birds and dolphins. The bull shark swims up large rivers such as the Amazon, and can be found hundreds of miles from the sea.

Jaguar Facts

Jaguar FactsThe jaguar is the third largest feline after the tiger and the lion, and the largest in the Western Hemisphere. The jaguar is an exceptionally powerful bite, even relative to other big cats. This allows you to pierce the shells of armored reptiles and to employ an unusual killing method: bites directly through the skull of the victim between the ears to deliver a fatal bite in the brain. A short and stocky limb structure makes the jaguar adept at climbing, crawling and swimming.In some traditions the Jaguar God of the night was the formidable lord of the underworld. The name jaguar is derived from the Native American word jaguar, which means "he who kills with one leap"
The jaguar and its name is widely used as a symbol in contemporary culture. It is the national animal of Guyana, and is featured in its coat of arms.The flag of the Department of Amazonas, a Colombian department, features a black jaguar silhouette pouncing towards a hunter.The jaguar also appears in banknotes of Brazilian Real. These beautiful and powerful beasts were prominent in ancient Native American cultures.
The jaguar is a near threatened species and their numbers are decreasing.