Үнэхээр та их сургуульд сурах шаардлагатай юу? Хэрэв чи төгсөх ангийн сурагч, эсвэл 1-р курсын оюутан, ажилчин хэн ч байлаа  Зав гаргаад үүнийг унш гэж зөвлөж байна. Амьдралыг чинь өөрчилж юуны магад. За...
How to Download a Movie Two Methods:Paid SourcesFree SourcesQuestions and Answers The internet is quickly becoming the number one place to find movies, both legally and not-so-legally. Whether it’s the latest new release...
How to create a new Apple ID on your iPhone or iPad In order to use iCloud, you need to have an Apple ID. An Apple ID is also required to buy media from iTunes and apps and games from the App Store. You'll also need an...